
  1. Create a (great) LinkedIn Profile.
  2. Find at least 10 professionals in your field and based on your interests who post regularly to LinkedIn and connect with (i.e., follow) them. Choose individuals who you feel best contribute to your personal learning network (PLN).
  3. Review possible topics related to what you have discussed thus far in your psycholinguistics course (refer to your class notes and any books you have access to (also see books found in the VC, week eight).
  4. Post an opinion and question to your PLN (in LinkedIn) related to psycholinguistics.
  5. Find at least two posts from your LinkedIn connections and provide a substantive response for each.
  6. Add the link to your public LinkedIn profile to the ePortolio and LinkedIn profile Excel spreadsheet that includes prior and current education, any work experience, special skills, etc. To access the public link to your LinkedIn profile, sign in and click “Me” just below your profile picture at the upper right-hand corner of your screen and select, “View Profile”. Do not select the URL that appears when you are within your LinkedIn dashboard. Your URL is likely look like the following: [ linkedin ID].
  7. Once you have posted to your LinkedIn feed, share the URL to each post in the eporfolios_LinkedIn Excel spreadsheet.


Each of the following should include URLs posted to the eporfolio_LinkedIn Excel spreadsheet by the end of March 17, 2023:

LinkedIn Profile 2
Two initial posts to LinkedIn 2
Two substantive responses 2
Link to an ePortfolio 1
Total 7